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A People's Campaign



Expanding education and training opportunities (traditional and non-tradition learning) - In one year, the City of Chicago has closed more than 86 public schools. We has a community are beginning to realized these schools are closed forever. In this new environment of divestment of public funds allocated for education have been made available. We the residents of the 37th Ward want access to high achieving centers of excellence for our children and the non traditional student. We want expansion of training and education to all who have a desire to learn. With the citizens involved in public education decisions at the city council level, I am proposing a committee with will work with me as your alderman to address public education the funding, oversight of chartered school, vocational and technicial training opporutnities, as well as inviting educators to become a resource for structuring how educational access and opporunities evolve in the 37th Ward.  


*Read the article for insight on major change in Chicago Public School System Chicago teachers fear wave of school closings after strike.


 There is a need for extension program/policy development to better assist the youth in the community development process.  Youth can significantly contribute to a wide variety of activities in local government planning, entrepurnership, as well as artist,  and active positive civic participation through active engagement. With community empowerment the youth can take on

 ownership and become lifelong contributors their families, and community at-large. With that being said, the youth in the 37th  Ward will be asked to become more involoved with the development of the community. I have been purposefully building  relationships within the community, the park district, and local entrepreuners who have the youth of the 37th Ward part of their  business and recreation model. It takes a village to change the dynmaics, the hopelessness, and hardship of the children and  young adults in our community. Youth involvement, youth employment, youth recreation, paired with vocation and training will  change our future and that of our children's future. 


Today the 37th Ward is a pass through. As part of creating change today, for a better tomorrow, we want the 37th Ward to be a destination place. A place where our fellow Chicagoans and suburban’s can stop and enjoy a meal, or family entertainment event. We want our ward to benefit from the tax revenue that will be collected from tourist and guest alike. To expand business opporunity, erratic our community from unwanted shop owners, and bringing sustainable economic investment into the ward will take leadership. This will our priority once I am elected.


The redevelopment of the 37th Ward will require a community effort. I am looking for citizens of the 37th Ward who are business savvy, have a desire to be a part of a development committee that will bring proposals and suggestions to the community for viable economic development planning. Recreating the 37th Ward business corridor is a major project and will require commitment, dedication, and tenacity to implement our ideas. 


Building a community requires a fundamental change in how public decision making and planning are conducted within a community. It requires

governments, communities, stakeholders and citizens to plan and work together in new ways, based on a shared commitment to societal goals. As your Alderman once elected, it is my goal to use the resources, the tools, and the people to change our economic future.


As part of building and maintaining a safe community were water management, parking management and enforcement, street cleaning, residential and commercial lighting, among other life staining environmental programs, the 37th Ward will be notified promptly when funding is available to improve our community.


Working closely with block club leaders, community representative, and city officials to include the 37th Ward in the beginning stages of infrastructure incentive programs. Allocating TIFF funding in areas that need the most improvement.


Improvement of our sidewalks, maintaining and recycling waste and water and creating programs to better the quality of life in our ward is the goal. It gives a reason for developers to initiate housing development programs, and business ventures. I will work closely with the residents of the 37th Ward to help us repair, retool, and restructure our community to better the quality of our lifestyles.


Mental health care access has been declining over the last 20 years across our country. It is prevalent by the many mental health persons in our community who lack access to care and resources to help them maintain an active empowered life. Our goal for the 37th Ward is to create access to these person who need hospitalization, case and social service management, long term and short term living arrangements. By working closely with state and local government officials as a community we can implement a program that will support person will mental health issues and aiding them with resources and community agencies that will provide the assistance and care these individuals require.


Over the last several years, the homelessness community has grown by leaps and bounds. Limited housing is available to families who have been force to live outside or in temporary housing when it's available. I am proposal a plan in our ward that will begin to address our homeless population problem immediately. By working with home owners, landlords, vacant property owners and incentivizing them to restore old property as part of our building stronger families program, we can begin to move entire families from temporary shelter into more permanent housing.

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